Things that make you go ....hmmmmm
I finally made my way through the hundereds of blog posts in my Google Reader {do I sound like a broken record on this whole Google Reader thingy?} and now I am kicking myself in the pants because I forgot to bookmark all the inspiring favs I saw. Just to set the record straight...I did not read every single post...mostly skimmed for pics or titles that caught my eye and then read what caught my attention.
- Ali Edwards is a rockstar in the scrapbooking world and this girl has made me cross many lines outside of scrapbooking and makes me think on a daily basis. I love to visit her blog and hear about the progress her son Simon makes with regards to his Autism. Ali is definately an inspiration to many people.
- Cathy Zielske is another rockstar in the scrapbooking world and she is my kind of "tell it like it is" girl. Although she has written two books regarding simple scrapbooking she doesn't blog much about the subject. I can appreciate her obsession with a music icon as I have my own obsession to deal with. Cathy has the best sense of humor and I love her style of writing.
- Jolene George is a mom living in Arizona raising 5 boys and she happens to have a hobby of scrapbooking too but that's not why I read her blog. I honestly don't know how the heck I found her blog but I read it all the time. I can't tell you how many times I have cried reading her blog.....Chad's graduation, Chad shipping off to Afghanistan, selling her house, the engagement of Chad and Sandy, her grandson, her loving husband, her faith, her hobbies, another grandbaby on the way, Chad's surprise's like a soap opera....a real life soap opera that I have gotten caught up in and look forward to her updates of real life. For sure Jolene would think I am a stalker as she has no clue who the heck I am...but she makes me think and I like her.
- Kimberly Geswein has been known on SCS and throughout the Digi Scrappin community. I have no idea how I found her blog but I did and I like it. She has recently moved to China with her husband and two daughters and I am so happy to peek in on the adventure. I have been reading her blog for the last year and enjoy it very much. I feel like it is yet another soap opera of real life that I am caught up in and look forward to each new post.
- Dawn Griffith is a stamper that I met through this crazy blog world. We basically comment on each other's blogs and have RAK'd each other. What I LOVE about Dawn is this woman is the perfect example of happiness. Just reading Dawn's blog makes me happy because she is a happy person can just feel it. In my head I have a mental image of a a bubbly happy person that spreads that contaigous giddy-ness....if that makes any sense. But not just goofey, silly, fun giddy-ness.....happiness for life in general. She freely shares herself with others in her "real life"....she spreads happiness in many ways.....and it shows through her words and actions that she is a happy person.
So there ya have it. These people make me think almost daily and it's nice thoughts too...usually. So now here is something to make you think.....wouldn't it be sooooo nice if we received $1 for every piece of spam that went into the spam folder? OMG.....I would be $1051 dollars richer this week which equals a whole lotta stamps....or a new laptop for sure! Which by the way, I keep hinting to Bill would make a GREAT get well present. Think happy thoughts. See ya on the blog!
P.S. This little mailbox is filled with baby goodies and matches the card I posted in my last post that I am sending to a teacher.
Oooh! Fabulous!
This is adorable! Love the handprint on the front! made me cry! Thank you so much for counting me in one of your 5. That is really the nicest thing ever. I would never think of you as a stalker....honest! Now that I know about you, I'll add you to my blog list.
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