Isn't this what they call an Oxymoron? The Organized Scrapbooker sitting on a pile of papers in my office. Well that is where I am and what I have been doing....buried under stamping stuff, work stuff and life.
About two weeks before Cody came home from Texas his dog, Lou Lou, died. It was so hard to call him and tell him because Lou Lou has been his dog since he was two years old. For 15 years she was part of our family and it's odd not having her greet us at the door. She was a great dog and the kids all miss her.
After that my Aunt arrived for a two week visit from New Jersey. The girls finished up summer camp. Sarah started high school as a Freshman and Cody is a Junior. Maddie and Bailey finally went back to school and we now have the beginning of daily routine in our lives. Now if only Bailey could remember where she put her lunch box, back pack and shoes in the morning all would be wonderful. {She is my disorganized child.}
Both of my jobs are overwhelmingly busy at the moment. Check out the JustRite Stampin Champion contest and you'll see what I am talking about. 
And this post is turning into a big whine fest. So here is a card I made for Amy....cause she just got turned onto Martinis {can you believe that } and I am sooooooo excited because my dear sweet friend is coming to visit me all the way from Guam.
Ok....not really....she is coming here to see her son graduate from bootcamp and I just happen to live 10 minutes from Naval Station Great Lakes. Come November I am going to need several martinis with my friend who I have not seen since I left Florida 6 years ago!!!
See ya on the blog!