Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday PMS Check

Before I get to my Sunday PMS Check let me show you another great RAK I received for Valentine's Day from SmilynStef on SCS...she also has a great blog... Ingenious Inkling....check out her awesome stuff on the blog. Thanks for for thinking of me and taking the time to send me a RAK.

**PMS Check**

Physical Well Being - I have not lost anymore weight but I haven't gained any either. Maintaining is always a good thing. I haven't really put forth the effort like I was before either. I went back to the granola bar coffee for breakfast, granola bar and coffee for lunch and anything I can scarf down in the evening. Time to re-set and think ahead of time....being prepared is definately the key to my success.

Mental Well Being - I am in mental turmoil right now and I really can't tell you why just yet. Don't you hate that.....I've got a secret and I can't tell you yet...and it's killing me!!! Really, because I always vent here and ask for the opinion of my imaginary friends and you never steer me wrong. But this time I have to throw it out to the universe (that's the law of attraction lingo....but really I am giving up to God).

Spiritual Well Being - It's Lent and I gave up's it should be. I also wanted to start going to morning prayer again which I totally forgot about. It's just a nice way to start my day...and I miss it. I also bought The Secret cd set to listen to in the car. I didn't buy the book because I knew I wouldn't finish it....I rarely finish books. What have I learned so far...positive attracts positive. I no longer want to be part of other people's negative energy as it draws in negative energy....I have enough of my own to get rid of and I don't need any help from the people around me. No more dishin the scoop with Jen....crap who...I mean.... what are we going to talk about now?

Thanks for spending your Sunday evening with me and my few moments of self examination. See you on the blog!

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